Keith Yoder


Week One

Slow Jam And Kamp Ensemble Ko-Koordinator And General Kamp Liaisons
Special Slow Jam and Fiddle Tune Jam Koordinator
Kamp Slow Jam and Fiddle Jam Koordinator And Kamp Ensemble Koordinator

Week Two

Kamp Slow Jam and Fiddle Jam Koordinator And Kamp Ensemble Koordinator
Special Slow Jam and Fiddle Tune Jam Koordinator
Kamp Ensemble Coordinator And General Jamming Liaison

You are in for the time of your life at Kamp. You will have endless opportunities to play in jams of all sizes and types. My job is to help you feel as competent and comfortable as you can be while learning to play with others at a higher level. I am here to serve you. All sessions are open to all instruments, and levels, so please join us.

Monday - Jamming Fundamentals – We will discuss your role in a bluegrass or old time jam. This will be a hands on session so expect to play a lot. We will learn how to be a better listener and supporter of the music being played. We will cover: etiquette, dynamics, backup, soloing, leading a song, do’s and don’ts etc. Come prepared to have fun with your instrument of choice. If you have never played with anyone or wish you were more comfortable in jams, this session will be beneficial to you.

During the week all sessions will reinforce what we learned in jamming fundamentals.

Tuesday - Jamming on vocal tunes. If you are looking for an opportunity to sing and lead a song – this is your chance. We will be playing by ear together.

Wednesday – Jamming on instrumentals. Don’t like to sing? You don’t have to today. Come prepared to learn new tunes and learn new ways to play old tunes.

Thursday – Jamming on Gospel songs. Gospel music is an integral part of old time and bluegrass music.

Friday – Open jamming. We will play together on songs/tunes of your choice.

Jamming is best learned by putting it to practice. My job is to help you learn how to play well with others. Your role in a jam depends on many things (including number of players, instruments present, level of players.)

Come with an open mind, the willingness to play, and your instrument of choice and you will have a great time.

Late night Open Mic at Isaac’s - Come and perform in front of a crowd of your peers. This will be the friendliest crowd you will ever play to. Backup musicians will be available to help you out if you want help.

If you have any questions please let me know. I’m looking forward to serving you in any way possible. Have fun, relax, play music, play some more music, meet new friends, play more music…….have fun……play more music…………